Click "Trick" "Uploaded by" "Rating" or "Date" below and the skatephotos are sorted by it.
| switch heelflip | jontish | 6,42 of 26 votes | 29/9/05 kl 22:22 |
| Switch heelflip | EtnissE | 5,7 of 20 votes | 18/10/05 kl 22:43 |
| Switch Heelflip | Mr_Hound | 5,77 of 9 votes | 9/6/06 kl 21:58 |
| switch k-stall | wanderson | 5,69 of 13 votes | 16/1/06 kl 10:15 |
| switch kickflip | KleiX | 6,4 of 10 votes | 27/3/06 kl 17:35 |
| Switch kickflip | William_3000 | 6,14 of 7 votes | 21/8/06 kl 19:44 |
| Switch Kickflip Crooks | Mr_Hound | 6,64 of 14 votes | 27/5/06 kl 22:28 |
| Switch Kickflip Gap | kvanneid | 6,17 of 28 votes | 6/10/05 kl 22:19 |
| Switch Nosebluntslide | Mr_Hound | 6,88 of 9 votes | 8/4/06 kl 23:37 |
| switch nosegrind | OLWAN | 8 of 2 votes | 25/9/08 kl 20:20 |
| Switch Nosegrind | henke_skell | 5,51 of 39 votes | 31/10/04 kl 18:27 |
| Switch noseslide | Sk8__Erik | 6 of 6 votes | 30/12/07 kl 20:00 |
| Switch Nosestal | Robb1 | 5 of 10 votes | 15/8/05 kl 23:28 |
| switch ollie | pray4skate | 9 of 2 votes | 18/2/09 kl 13:13 |
| Switch ollie 7 trapp | Enicke | 6,04 of 46 votes | 24/10/04 kl 22:17 |
| switch popshutts | boenan | 6,5 of 32 votes | 28/11/04 kl 02:04 |
| Switch shuvit | NiklasWallden | 5,84 of 19 votes | 2/10/05 kl 14:49 |
| switch to wall | Henkka | 6,44 of 9 votes | 15/1/07 kl 21:45 |
| switch varial flip | Tordsson | 5,3 of 20 votes | 14/11/05 kl 01:00 |
| Switch, Fs Boardslide | Mr_Hound | 5,85 of 20 votes | 27/5/06 kl 22:29 |
| Swtich 360 | Matix | 5,30 of 13 votes | 18/8/05 kl 14:43 |
| Swtich flirre | Gurris | 5,88 of 17 votes | 4/12/05 kl 19:51 |
| tail | moos | 5,92 of 28 votes | 16/8/05 kl 02:24 |
| tail slide | podj | 6,05 of 20 votes | 9/10/05 kl 21:26 |
| tail slide | osccccar | 5,77 of 9 votes | 10/8/06 kl 11:17 |
| Tail stall | idaostensson | 6,5 of 6 votes | 31/1/08 kl 23:31 |
| tail stall | Alltid | 6,14 of 7 votes | 17/6/08 kl 22:25 |
| tail stall | bly_brax | 5,42 of 7 votes | 2/7/07 kl 16:44 |
| tail-onefoot | martin | 5,94 of 18 votes | 16/11/05 kl 13:46 |
| Tailblock | Bjyrgen | 8,33 of 3 votes | 5/8/08 kl 14:31 |
| tailbock | 360backflip | 5,66 of 3 votes | 5/4/08 kl 23:38 |
| Tailbone | Rossi | 7 of 3 votes | 4/7/07 kl 10:41 |
| tailgrab | _APAN_ | 6,5 of 6 votes | 18/7/06 kl 11:53 |
| tailgrab | coxan | 6 of 33 votes | 6/7/05 kl 19:01 |
| Tailgrab | Robert | 6,73 of 76 votes | 27/7/04 kl 12:17 |
| tailslide | DWP | 7,66 of 3 votes | 6/6/09 kl 15:15 |
| tailslide | Leek | 5,87 of 8 votes | 23/2/07 kl 08:52 |
| tailslide | Banankurd | 5,89 of 74 votes | 8/8/04 kl 15:44 |
| Tailslide | Synskadad | 5,52 of 17 votes | 9/5/06 kl 14:38 |
| tailslide | skate_sw | 5 of 2 votes | 22/11/06 kl 22:02 |
| Tailslide | Rockmongo | 7,14 of 28 votes | 18/5/06 kl 22:34 |
| tailslide | wendrath | 8 of 1 votes | 20/3/09 kl 17:20 |
| tailslide | rasmus | 6,84 of 26 votes | 4/6/05 kl 09:43 |
| tailslide | louko | 5,90 of 21 votes | 29/7/05 kl 16:55 |
| Tailslide | NoukkalA | 6,33 of 3 votes | 26/4/08 kl 20:33 |
| tailslide | mailat_foto | 4,75 of 4 votes | 25/12/07 kl 03:50 |
| Tailslide | 960130sp01 | 5 of 1 votes | 30/5/08 kl 23:48 |
| tailslide to fakie | kennie | 6,73 of 19 votes | 5/2/06 kl 21:20 |
| tailspin | YouSkateGirl | 5 of 2 votes | 19/6/09 kl 00:10 |
| tailstall | tokfan | 9 of 2 votes | 5/8/09 kl 18:47 |