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  losten, Göteborg.    offline

  Name  aggro
  Member since  Jan 13, 2006
  Logins  28 st
  Last login  Dec 5 2006

15 reasons for a girl to get together with a rollerblader
01. We know countless moves and positions.
02. We like to do it on camera.
03. We can do it in the street, and the park.
04. We use special equipment.
05. We like to go all day, sometimes even night sessions.
06. We’ll travel far just to find some.
07. We like kinks.
08. We do it with more than one person.
09. We’ll “grind on” anything.
10. We can do it backwards.
11. We can handle big gaps.
12. We slip more when its wet.
13. We switch our position when you least expect it.
14. We always have our pants half way down anyway.

and number 15….We always WAX IT first



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