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  oster_king, Gävle.    offline

  Name  Niclas Östergren
  MSN  Only shown to members.
  Member since  Apr 19, 2005
  Logins  18 st
  Last login  Nov 6 2009

Mr. Clean tell me
is that really you
I wonder what you've done
to become so big and dumb
but I know you can change your lifestyle once again.
It's cool to be clean if you know what I mean
when I gave you my favourite Chiquita shirt
I gave it to a guy who is cruel to everyone he
meets and who shows the world he's incomplete
Mr. Clean tell me is that really you I wonder
what you've done to become so big and dumb
Last time we met you beat me up
that was no surprise though I miss the days
when you were nice
It's hard to believe that you don't owe me shit
I'm well aware of what is yours and where to
draw the lines at least I have the right to write
anything I think is right
Looking back at the days when we were friends
together as one we followed all the trends but
now a friend is less worth than a neggy trend.


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