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Predestination of personality

_ _ _
i Sverige
28 mar kl 23:12

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Each generation sees itself as completely different from the previous one, although in the end it turns out to be almost the same.
If I look at my life, I believe that I have been wrong many times.
The same will happen to you when you grow up. Gain experience and make mistakes. This is life.
Do not flatter yourself that you are capable of being perfect - this is not real.
Temper yourself, your will, so that when the test comes, you can accept it like a real man.
Do not let yourself be deceived by pathos truths and loud phrases.
Travel, explore the world, get to know people, do something that interests you, fall in love, do stupid things, but do it with passion.
The most valuable thing is to live life vividly.
There is probably more than one life waiting for us. But to get them, you need to spend this life to the end. Take everything you can from life.
Beware of a sad fate.
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